The investment-consulting trade and production project "BBCO" renders high-quality information and intermediary services and is engaged in commercial cooperation in the Baltics and in the world and is based in the old Tallinn.
Our sphere of interest includes trade / IT / investments / real estate / business management and their creation / legal support for the registration of onshore companies, accounts, as well as other financial and commercial activities and consulting in various jurisdictions / development and patenting of KNOW-HOW developments and their derivation in mass production / leasing and leasing activities for movable and immovable property / purchase and sale and other transactions.
BBCO is also a community of people united by one goal: to create and promote interesting projects and topics and to make money on it.
We also hold meetings, online and offline conferences about STARTUP-projects and attraction of investments. We want to become the # 1 krowdfunding platform for the implementation of Startups and integrated assistance to business and business ideas in the Baltic and Scandinavia, as well as in Eastern Europe as a whole. Our goal and goal is to open a large business hub in Estonia and place the best projects of the Baltic and Scandinavian countries in it, filling them with financial assistance and investments.
After careful analysis, we came to the conclusion that in Estonia there is no big business as such (exceptions: banks, investment, financial and leasing / credit companies, filling stations, grocery stores and shopping centers) and there is no competition (including strong brands other than the above) , as well as not implemented the latest marketing technologies to manage behavioral human factors, the brain of which has long been studied. Under big business, we do not mean consulting companies (information technology) for services and representation of foreign companies (which are many here), we mean restaurants (networks of at least 20-50 per country), large-scale industry, auto production, mass production of KNOW-HOW technologies (following after electricity, terrestrial, torsion, magnetic, etc. technology, to which we have access).
At the same time, we see a great potential in Estonia for 10-20 years of growth.
With the support of investors, we could open about 100 new companies in the next 10 years, using BBCO as the parent company.
BBCO is 3 CO:
- BBCO is the Baltic Business Cooperation
- BBCO is the Baltic Business Community
- BBCO is the Baltic Business Consulting
This is the basis of our company.
Why Estonia?
First, we examined and explored Ukraine, Greece, France, Italy, Germany, Scotland, Switzerland, Spain and Monaco. In some countries, we even opened projects in test mode. Over time, we came to the conclusion that the soil of these countries is not suitable for such an ultramodern and high-tech project as ours. We decided to open the BBCO in Estonia, because here the investment-attractive climate and Estonians are happy with new views and improvements. In addition, according to Forbes, Estonia is the 13th country in the world in order to do business.
Estonia is the most technologically advanced, highly developed and rapidly developing among the Baltic countries. This is facilitated by a very advantageous geographical location: the neighborhood with economically prosperous Scandinavian countries and Baltic countries, access to the sea, a transport connection with Russia and a good connection with America. In the political sense, Estonia is among the best countries in Europe and a leader in the introduction of technology and innovation: the first ID-card was issued in Estonia, the entire country is covered by mobile Internet and stuffed with cameras.
Where are we present?
Our companies are located in different countries, including Great Britain, Greece and Ukraine. Every day we take care of the growth of our partners, their companies and the BBCO project as a whole.
Sincerely yours, BBCO
and its CEO and founder Oleg Seriy